Safety Prints
Barcodes, QR codes or the simple imprint of the serial number – Tailor-Safe upgrades all these identification options. Either via a transparent coating or a pigment insert in the print image itself.
So that you can check your products for originality even before opening…
…we give your barcode a tamper-proof upgrade.
An Asian customer secures distribution boxes against illegal connections by means of a seal. A simple barcode on the seal allows the service employee quick access for inspection and maintenance work. It is noticeable that the seal has been forged time and again and that, in addition, illegally tapped electricity had to be checked at great expense.
A simple coating on the plastic substrate gave the seal and the barcode on it a security upgrade. Inspectors could now ensure, even before opening the electrical distribution, that all connections were as recorded in the directory and that no one had gained illegal access.
Product protection
So that your product protection gets an upgrade without additional processes…
…Tailorlux enables concealed marking.
Nowadays, contour-sharp barcodes in mass production are realized with thermal transfer labels. Wherever serialization and labeling is carried out in factories, this practical solution is used. Tailor-Safe was integrated directly into the ribbon with our partner Leonhard Kurz .This means that Leonhard Kurz customers can get an upgrade for product protection without having to establish additional processes.
Tailorlux is your Partner
Many areas of industry are already marking, labeling and serializing today. Many have already laid the foundation for an additional upgrade, because Tailor-Safe can be integrated process-neutrally via various carriers. Contact us to find out where Tailor-Safe can still be implemented on your label as well.
Tailorlux sets new standards in digital supply chains and manages to get everywhere with its marking. So that safety and traceability determine each fiber in a sustainable and transparent way.
At Tailorlux, we offer you a contemporary traceability solution that documents every step from raw material to finished product at the point of sale. Tailorlux technology thus offers you a:
Indestructible marking
Our marking is introduced at the beginning during ginning and is now inseparably bonded to the fibers. And it is completely non-toxic and chemically inert.
Perfected traceability
Our sensor technology is used to read the individual and tamper-proof marking.
Real-time monitoring
Each measurement/verification goes directly to the cloud.
Deep insight into your supply chain
Data is collected and processed by an AI.
Full transparency
Each fiber knows its origin, so that the genuineness of the products can be ensured and guaranteed.