Counterfeit protection – from product to marking

The topic of anti-counterfeiting is a central task and challenge for many companies at the same time. Whether in the automotive industry, the food or pharmaceutical sector, or even cosmetics or textile manufacturers, it is essential to protect against product counterfeiting. After all, according to estimates by the World Customs Organization (WCO), 512 billion dollars in damage is caused worldwide every year. Low-quality counterfeit products also always pose a direct threat to consumers, especially when it comes to safety-relevant products.

The result:

The economic success of the company suffers severe losses and the image as well as the trust are permanently destroyed. This makes it all the more important to increase the counterfeit protection of goods in the fight against product piracy. Security features, which are usually applied to the product or packaging, are used for this purpose. At Tailorlux, these security markings become part of the product and create an invisible fingerprint that ensures increased counterfeit protection.

Increase counterfeit protection of products

Online trade in particular brings many counterfeit products into circulation – from automotive parts to medicines, clothing and jewelry to sporting goods. Globalization and the associated numerous international links between companies, as well as the highly dynamic nature of the market, make it hopeless to stem this flood of counterfeit products by means of judicial precautions. Rather, what is needed is a comprehensive solution for manufacturers that enables them to optimize anti-counterfeiting without creating additional process costs. This is exactly what Tailorlux’s invisible fingerprint makes possible. This innovative marking allows serialization and track & trace, so that product transparency is available during the entire production process. The authenticity of the materials can be verified at every step. In this way, the protection of the company and the consumer begins with the manufacture of the actual product. For us, anti-counterfeiting means enabling end-to-end accurate tracing of your products in the entire manufacturing and delivery process. The value chain becomes transparent as a result.
In this way, counterfeits can not only be detected at an early stage, they can also be identified once they have entered circulation.

A marking with anti-counterfeiting

What use is a marking that ends up being counterfeited itself? A company that relies exclusively on visible product marking runs precisely this risk. Labels and codes become victims of counterfeiting in the same course as the products, so that at first glance it is hardly possible to tell the difference between the original and the plagiarism. But what if the marking becomes an integral part of the product and is invisibly integrated on it? Then a marking with counterfeit protection is created. Tailor-Safe, as our flexible product protection solution is called, can be integrated into a wide variety of products. The highly stable markings are applied, for example, by extrusion into a synthetic matrix or via a coating on any material. There, they give the product an individual, invisible and tamper-proof fingerprint. The special feature of this solution is that it can be used in court. This takes the counterfeit protection of your products to an innovative level. Even after a fire, it is still possible to prove whether the product was an original from your company or a copy. This effectively protects you and your company against claims for damages, economic losses and damage to your image.

Anti-counterfeiting – here Tailorlux has the solution

In the field of invisible product marking, Tailorlux is the technology leader in a wide range of industries. Inorganic pigments provide the basis for this innovative marking technology. These pigments become an inseparable part of the product and give it an individual and machine-readable identification feature. These chemical markers are toxicologically harmless and do not affect the product. Thanks to the high temperature resistance of up to 1,700°C, these tamper-proof markers can be used in almost any industrial process. A special feature arises not least from the fact that the introduction of the pigments does not require an additional process, but takes place within the production chain. The robust marking adapts to any process – from printing ink to coating, adhesive or fiber. To be able to check the authenticity of its products at any time and in the middle of the processes, Tailorlux also brings detection directly to you in the field or on the production line. Through these inline measurements, it is finally possible to detect offcuts or blending.

It’s best to see for yourself the advantages of the invisible fingerprint and the associated counterfeit protection. Challenge us with your products. Together we will find the individual fingerprint for your product.

Experience the advantages of the invisible fingerprint yourself.

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Mo – Fr: 8:00 – 17:00

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D-48161 Münster