Luminescent glasses for product protection
The Fraunhofer Application Center for Inorganic Phosphors and Tailorlux GmbH are collaborating on the development of luminescent glasses for effective product protection. This innovative technology, patented by the Fraunhofer Application Center for Inorganic Phosphors, opens up the possibility for Tailorlux to protect products such as plastics, fibers and resins by means of product marking.

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Tailorlux, the specialist for product protection, wants to offer its customers marking that is always individual as well as machine-readable, and is breaking new ground for optical fingerprinting to this end in cooperation with Fraunhofer AWZ Soest.
What is lumenizing glass – and what does it have to do with product protection?
If metal ions from the rare earth group are added to glasses, the glass is given a specific signature – the optical fingerprint. This can be easily read by standardized sensors.
The glasses are very flexible in terms of the type and level of doping, so different metal ions can easily be added to the glass. The complexity of the resulting emission spectrum, i.e. the fingerprint of the glass, can be significantly increased by double or multiple doping. The fingerprint depends not only on the type and amount of doping, but also on the excitation wavelength.
Depending on the excitation wavelength, the phosphor changes color. “The wide range of possibilities in the combination of doping type and level opens up a new field of application for the use of luminescent glasses: product marking. The resulting different spectra can thus ensure precise and individually desired tracking,” says Prof. Dr. Schweizer, head of the Fraunhofer Application Center for Inorganic Phosphors in Soest.
Contact Tailorlux
Tailorlux GmbH
Fraunhoferstr. 1
48161 Münster
Contact Fraunhofer
Fraunhofer-Anwendungszentrum für Anorganische Leuchtstoffe
Lübecker Ring 2
59494 Soest